Saturday 5 January 2019

7-Steps Formula for Achieving Success Online

Achieving success online does not have to be difficult if you have a step-by-step road-map to follow. 

Here's the 7-step ultimate success formula that is working for me.
  1. Write down what you want to accomplish (i.e., your goal).
  2. State the reason you want it (i.e. your why).
  3. Write down the date you intend to accomplish your goal (i.e., your when).
  4. Specify what you have to do to accomplish your goal (i.e., your how).
  5. List all the people you need to help you get what you want (i.e., your team).
  6. Identify the approaches that are not working, and then change them (i.e., your challenges).
  7. Identify the approaches that are working, and then reinforce them (i.e., your strengths).

Step #1: In my seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you write down your goal. What do you want to accomplish?

Do you want to earn $100,000 a year in your online business 12 months from today? Write it down. Make it real by seeing your goal on paper. Otherwise, it is just a thought or notion. When your goal is written down, it shows that you are committed and unlikely to forget it.

In order to keep me on track, I always ask myself: "Is what I am doing right now bringing me closer or farther away from my goal?" If the answer is "no", I stop whatever I was doing and do something else I think would bring me closer to my goal. If the answer is "yes", I keep on doing whatever I was doing that is bringing me closer to my goal.

Step #2: In my seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you state the reason you want to accomplish your goal.

What is your why? For example, if your goal is to earn $100,000 a year in your online business by October 11, 2017, the question is why you need to accomplish this goal. Do you want to be debt-free? Are you seeking financial independence? Do you want to fire your boss? Maybe you want to change your career, go on an exotic vacation, or buy that new car of your dreams. Whatever your reason for your goal, it must be so compelling that you will not accept any other alternative until you get what you want.

It's been said that if your why is strong enough, the how to achieve your goal will easily present itself. If you have a good reason for your goal, you will easily find ways to accomplish it. Most of the time we let our inability to see the step-by-step process we have to go through prevent us from pursuing what we want. All you have to do is, be motivated by a compelling reason and take the first step towards your goal and your next step or task towards accomplishing your goal will unfold right before your eyes.

Step #3: In my seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you write down the date you intend to accomplish your goal (i.e., your when). A goal without a deadline is just an empty dream.

Step #4: In my seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you specify what you have to do to accomplish your goal (i.e., your how).

For example, if your goal is to earn a $100,000 a year in your online business, what is your plan for accomplishing that goal? What would you have to do to accomplish your

The how to accomplish your goal will come to you as you focus on the compelling reason (or why) for your goal. Also, you'd be more likely to accomplish your goal faster, if you have a team of mentors and professionals that you can consult with regularly in your business. You can't succeed in this world by working alone!

Step #5: In our seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you list all the people you need to help you get what you want (i.e., your team). In the earlier part of this article, I wrote that you should specify what you have to do to accomplish your goal (i.e., your how). But you will discover that, even if you know what to do to accomplish your goal, you will find out that you will need help or a team of people who can help you move towards your goal a lot faster. You will need resources and tools that you do not have to help you accomplish your objectives.

You will need other people, such as a mentor, coach, or even a support team, to help you.

You need a group of people that work together to help each other accomplish their goals of succeeding online.

Step #6: In my seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you identify the approaches that are not working, and then change them (i.e., your challenges).

Finally, the Step #7 in my seven-step ultimate success formula for goal achievement requires that you identify the approaches that are working, and then reinforce them (i.e., your strengths).

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